How to Engage Lurker Instagram Followers via DM

You know those followers who never spark conversation through DMs or comments, but they engage in the background through likes and shares? They are often referred to as “lurkers.”

It’s easy to build a relationship with vocal followers who consistently comment on your content, but lurkers can be more difficult to get to know. Yet, while they’re not the most vocal or outgoing followers, they are still valuable members of your community! So, how can you engage them and start building a stronger relationship with them? 

Here’s a method using Instagram DMs to take the first step and start the conversation!

1. Create Shareable Content 

Shareable content can be any content that someone would share with others because it speaks to them in some way. Maybe it’s relatable, or inspiring, or conveys a mind-blowing piece of information.

Creating content that your community will share requires getting to know their desires, passions, and curiosities. Spend time really understanding them first!

2. Look at Story Shares

Once you have posted your shareable content, pay attention to who is sharing it to their stories. You can do this by tapping on the post, opening the three-dot menu, and selecting “View current story shares.”

3. Analyze Profiles

Take a look at the profiles of individuals who shared your post to determine if they fall within your target audience to engage. Especially look out for lurkers who you may not have engaged with before.

4. Send a DM

Go back to their story share of your post and reply, sending them a personalized direct message. Ask them a question about themselves, thank them for sharing, or otherwise spark conversation having to do with your organization or their profile.

5. Have a Conversation 

Let the conversation develop organically. Don’t just rely on copy-and-paste responses, really take an interest in getting to know them and personalizing the interaction.

6. Share a Call to Action

When the conversation feels like it is coming to a natural ending, close it out with a CTA inviting them to connect with you further. This could be sharing your newsletter signup, sending them a link to an event, or sharing a page on your website that you think they’d be interested in reading.

This approach is a great way to engage lurker followers in a natural and authentic way. By initiating the conversation, you're making those shy followers feel seen and welcomed into your community! I hope you’ll try this strategy out on your Instagram!


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