Small Graphic Changes for a Big Impact

Consistent branding on social media is so important. Consistency builds brand recognition and makes your content more memorable — this is why Canva is one of our favorite social media tools!

Canva makes it easy to create graphics without any graphic design experience due to the endless amount of pre-made templates it offers.

But, it’s still important to customize those templates rather than using them as-is.

So, how can you make Canva graphics work for you? Follow these tips to get started:

1. Branding

Always be sure that your graphics match your brand guidelines. This includes consistent fonts and colors, and luckily, this Canva tool makes it easy to quickly switch templates into your brand guidelines!

Some other edits you can make to ensure your graphics match your branding include changing out the images and using consistent design elements.

2. Less Text is More

You’ve seen TLDR right? Too long didn’t read.

The same goes for what is on your graphic. You have very little time to grab a viewers’ attention, and if they are overwhelmed by what’s on the graphic, they are likely going to keep scrolling.

By using less text you have a better chance that a viewer will take the time to read it. You can always create a graphic carousel in order to spread large amounts of text out. You can also use highlights and underlines to call out important details in bodies of text.

3. Keep it Simple

You know that advice from Coco Chanel, “always remove one piece of jewelry before you go out?” The same can be applied to Canva graphics!

Many of the templates out there are very busy with lots of colors, fonts, and graphic elements.

Similarly to the point above about having too much text, having too many design elements can make your graphic difficult for your audience to consume.

So, before you download your graphic, take a step back and see if there are any elements that are too distracting and see where you can simplify.

Now if all of this still sounds like a lot of work, or you’re just not very Canva savvy, the good news is that we can help!

Book our Custom Branded Canva Templates service and have ready-made templates to use over and over again.

P.S. Did you know that Canva offers its premium version for free for registered nonprofits?


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