Why should nonprofits invest in social media?

It’s no secret that social media isn’t going anywhere, and it’s continuing to become more influential in our lives. In fact, the average user spends 2 hours and 27 minutes on social media every day, a 1.4% increase over the past year. The most-used social media platforms are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Instagram, according to Data Reportal.

In the modern day, nonprofits that aren’t investing in social media are missing out on opportunities to increase brand awareness, build their communities, gain support for their cause, and more.

Need more convincing? Here are 5 key benefits to nonprofits of investing in their social media presence.

Reach New Audiences

Social media is increasingly becoming a go-to for information. Want to know today’s specials at a restaurant? Check Facebook. Find out things to do in your area this weekend? Search Instagram. Get tips for your next interview? Head to LinkedIn.

People are constantly searching these platforms for information and being recommended new content. Through social media, organizations have the opportunity to generate brand awareness.

Social Media is an Owned Channel

I’ve heard so many nonprofit leaders say something like this: “We were featured in the local newspaper once, and I think that helped us with a spike in awareness, but there hasn’t been anything like that since.” This is exactly why I love social media as a tool for nonprofit brand awareness: it is an owned channel. I don’t mean that you own Instagram, or that you own your audience even, but you own your presence. You can post what you want, when you want, how you want, and this is so empowering! 

Generate New Leads 

Every nonprofit should invest in building their email list, but how do they get people on that list? Social media is a great channel to serve as top of funnel!

In fact, according to Empower Agency, 55% of people who engage with nonprofits on social media end up taking some sort of action. Double the Donation shares that half of all nonprofit website traffic last year came from mobile and tablet users, while the share of desktop-based traffic decreased by 9% over the previous year. Since most people use social media on their phones, it’s likely that the rise in social media usage contributed to this stat.

Once nonprofits reach new audiences through social media, they can share their signup forms to convert those followers into new leads to then cultivate through email.

Build Community

On social media, nonprofits are not only able to gain followers, but also build a strong, engaged community of advocates for their cause. Since social media creates a channel for two-way communication, nonprofits are able to form a deeper relationship with their constituents, donors, volunteers, and partners by posting valuable content, sharing behind the scenes, and engaging with their followers.

Form Strategic Connections 

Social media can also be a place for nonprofits to form strategic connections with potential supporters and partners. For example, nonprofits can thoughtfully engage with businesses and influencers to start building a relationship. Over time, organizations can become top of mind for when they’re looking to partner, and if they reach out to make an ask, this existing relationship may lead to a more favorable outcome.

Raise Funds

Of course, we can’t leave out the huge fundraising opportunities that social media offers. Let’s start by setting the stage with some data.

  • Social Media drives 57% of traffic to fundraising campaign pages. (Classy)

  • 18% of online donors say that social media is the communication tool that most inspires them to give. (Funraise)

  • 48% of social media platform donors give on Facebook and 24% give on Instagram. (Funraise)

  • Since launching Facebook fundraising tools in 2015, Facebook fundraisers have raised more than $3 billion for nonprofits and personal causes. (Qgiv

Many social media platforms offer integrated fundraising tools, like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Through the power of peer-to-peer fundraising and social sharing, not only can existing supporters make an impact, but nonprofits can reach new supporters. From birthday fundraisers to selling merchandise and so much more, be sure to understand the available tools to take advantage of them!

Cultivate Donor Relationships

Social media can also be used to cultivate relationships with existing donors, and this is especially true for Gen Z and Millennial donors. HubSpot reports that of donors between the ages of 18 and 29, 1 in 4 wants social media communication from nonprofits. As the adage goes, thank your donor seven times before making an ask. Social media can be one place to communicate with that donor by posting content that shares the impact of their gift, tells moving stories, and highlights the need for support. 

As social media continues to have more influence in our lives, it’s critical that nonprofit organizations begin investing in their online presence now to fully realize the opportunities it can create.

If you’re looking for support with your nonprofit’s social media, Social with Purpose can help! Find out about our full-service social media management built for purpose-driven organizations.


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