3 Giving Tuesday Tips for Nonprofits

Giving Tuesday, or the international day of generosity, is a great time for nonprofits to kick off their annual end of year giving campaign.

Giving Tuesday has become quite saturated over the years, but with the right approach, it can be a lucrative fundraising opportunity!

Here are 3 tips to maximize your Giving Tuesday campaign:

1. Set a tangible goal 

It just doesn't cut it to say “donate to us because it's Giving Tuesday,” because everyone is saying that same thing. Instead, set a specific fundraising goal and communicate the impact of reaching that goal.

2. Get your community involved

It's really hard to break through the noise on Giving Tuesday when every organization is posting and sending out emails on the same topic.

But, if you can get your community involved in spreading the word for your organization, that's a different and more compelling approach.

Equip your donors, board members, clients, and community leaders with materials to post about your organization's campaign on their own social media.

Here are some ideas:

  • A post graphic and copy-paste caption, including all tags, hashtags, and links

  • A Facebook or LinkedIn cover image

  • An Instagram story graphic

3. Leverage peer-to-peer 

We all know this math: if one person starts a fundraiser and 10 people each donate $10, that equals a $100 donation for your organization, thus increasing that one person's impact 10x.

Giving Tuesday is a great time to lean into that power of one mentality and promote peer-to-peer fundraising opportunities.

If you're on a time-crunch, Facebook and Instagram fundraisers do the trick, or you can use a tool like GiveButter. A few things to note on this tip:

  • (Most) people won't fundraise if you don't ask them to, so don't be afraid to ask and ask early.

  • Make it as easy as possible for your fundraisers, giving them everything they need to set it up and be successful. This includes copy-paste language, images, and links.

  • THANK THEM! A simple shoutout post, email, or handwritten card can do the trick.

  • If you want to (and have the bandwidth to) go the extra mile, make it fun! You could have a prize for the top fundraiser or do something interactive like a Turkey Trot.

Looking for feedback on your nonprofit’s Giving Tuesday campaign plans?

Book a consultation with Liz


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