5 Nonprofit End of Year Social Media Ideas

The end of the year is always the busiest time for nonprofit organizations, so it’s a great idea to get ahead on your social media. No one wants to be thinking about what to post on Instagram when they’re juggling a hundred tasks or spending time with family!

So, here are 5 ideas for things you can do on your social media during the end of year season, most of which can be completed and scheduled in advance. 

Annual report

The end of the year is a great time to highlight your organization's impact, and if you publish an annual report, that's a great place to start!

Sharing impact stats alongside donation appeals can demonstrate not only the potential impact of the donor's gift, but also the continued need for support.

Tip: Instead of just sharing a link to a PDF document, try extracting individual pieces of information from the report and repurposing them into posts to make the content more digestible and thus, social media-friendly.

Recap Top Content

EOY is the busiest time for nonprofits, so here's a tip to make social media content creation easier! Go back to your analytics to see what your top posts from the year were, and repurpose those posts.

You don't even have to call it out that it's repurposed content. You can either post the exact same thing again, or make minor tweaks, and schedule out a whole batch of your top content from the year!

Your followers are just as busy as you are, so it's likely they won't even notice. Or, if they do, they'll be happy to be reminded of a post they enjoyed the first time around!


A giveaway is a fun way to get a boost in engagement from your audience at EOY and potentially grow your account. The key is to keep it focused on your mission so that those new followers are people who will stick around.

You could giveaway some of your logo merch, a dinner with the ED, a special behind-the-scenes opportunity, or even products from a business partner! Get creative with it!

Instagram Fundraiser

If your organization already has Meta fundraising tools set up, you can create an Instagram fundraiser! If not, now is a good time to work on getting that done to open up the potential for both Facebook and Instagram fundraisers.

On Instagram, your organization can create its own fundraiser that will go on your profile and you can share with posts. As you're posting your compelling EOY content, this makes it easier for individuals to give who might not have otherwise.

Go Live 

Lives on Facebook, Instagram, or even LinkedIn are a great way to connect directly with your audience. At EOY, this would be an opportunity to talk about your impact for the year and communicate the need for continued support. It also gives a forum for individuals to share a question or comment for you to respond to live.

The key is to plan ahead for a live. Schedule and promote it like you would any other event, and give it a catchy title and informative description so people know what to expect and will plan to tune in.

Remember that a live can be simple! Some ways to make it more entertaining would be inviting guests to speak or including a live fundraiser element, but just showing up for your community in a new way is enough.

If you’re ready to get social media off your plate, or want help with developing your social media plan, Social with Purpose can help! Get in touch with us here.


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