3 Simple Tips to Save Time Creating Social Media Content

As a nonprofit leader, you don't have a second to waste, and social media can be a time suck if you’re winging it. Here's how you can keep your social media active while saving time.

1. Start with a plan.

Don't try recreating the wheel every time you create content. Having a plan helps you to organize your thoughts from the get-to, reducing time spent brainstorming.

When creating your plan, lean into what you'll excel at rather than spending time trying to do things that aren't in your wheelhouse, or you know you just won’t have time for. The ideal strategy would be tailored to your audience’s preferences, but if you won’t get it done in the first place, it won’t matter anyway. Set yourself up for success so you can stay consistent! 

For help developing your content plan, read our blog: Repurpose Content Like a Pro with Pillars, Themes, & Formats.

2. Repeat, repeat, repeat!

Again, stop recreating the wheel with every post! Your key messaging is more powerful when it's repeated. Repetition might seem boring to you, but it's stamping your messaging into the memory of your audience.

Repeat your mission, your core values, and your most important facts and figures, and save yourself time having to come up with new things to say.

If you’re struggling to find inspiration, take a scroll through your website and repurpose the messaging into your social media posts.

3. Use systems and templates

Content creation can be efficient when you develop a system that works for you. Try to reduce friction in the process, whether that’s in sharing files, assigning deliverables, or getting edits, to save yourself time and frustration.

One of the best systems you can use is a simple content calendar in Google Sheets. It’ll help you stay organized and allows any number of people to contribute. Learn how to set that up here. How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar *Free Template*

The same goes with templates. If you're making graphics, prepare a suite of branded graphics that will meet all of your needs and can be reused again and again. Or, we can make them for you! Get your customized branded Canva templates here.

If you’re ready to get social media off your plate, or want help with developing your social media plan, Social with Purpose can help! Get in touch with us here.


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